Technical Support

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If you have used RecurDyn for a long time, you may have seen the error as below several times.


<<< SIMULATION TIME = 1.562500000000000E-008   CHECK YOUR SYSTEM

-- << ERROR >>--

As you may know, the solver of RecurDyn uses 'variable step size'.

When the dynamic motion changes for a short time, or when the reaction force gets too big suddenly, RecurDyn solver reduce the step size so that it can solve the equation more carefully ans stably.

However, if the step size is too small, the simulation can take too long time.

In many cases, too small step size implies that the model has some problem in it, so solver stops the simulation and reports this error.

Then, what the user can do to resolve this error?

It is very complicated topic, because there are so many things which cause this error.

But here are the most possible reasons which you have to check when you meet this error.

Possible reasons

1) Mass or moment of inertia

  • The bodies whose mass or moment of inertia is too small or the ratio of (heaviest mass)/(lightest mass) > 1,000,000

2) Friction

  • Try to use sliding instead of sliding and stiction of the joint friction if stiction effect is not important.
  • Try to increase the Threshold velocity for the smoother change of the friction coefficient.

3) Motion of the joint which is not reasonable.

  • Check if the motion definition is reasonable

4) Joint or force whose force magnitude is too big.

Even if the above guide doesn't work, please don't give up and check you model carefully if it has any incorrect or unreasonable modeling.

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